Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In the Huntsville Community - Family Farm and Fleece Day

The Carol Jacobs Team went out and visited the Family Farm  and Fleece Day at the Alabama A&M Agribition Center. It was a wonderful time of talking, feeling, and understanding how much effort goes into the work of everything from shearing by Joel Snyder, to bees making honey from Keith Fletcher, and making sure all the animals are well taken care of.  Even Dodie Rodgers Patterson was there putting on The Roy Rogers Puppet Show for the children, We managed to snag a few pictures for everyone to see.  We kept the flash off for the animals.  Anyone wanting more information on the Vendors at this wonderful event?

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
This was at 8.40 Saturday morning on 3/30 not sure what to expect on the inside.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
We were greeted with fleece for both auction and sale taking up a wide space.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
The small goats were looking around from inside their pen.  They were very adorable.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
A Dairy Farmer even brought in a cow.  It was precious to see it eating and just mooing.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
This alpaca was really gorgeous up close, it took quite a while to get a good picture.  The alpaca was quite camera shy.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
This was one beautiful creature.  Just pure innocence on its face.  There were four of them in one pen all bahing at each other.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
Now we were talking and believe this is Suffolk Sheep?  Someone can correct us if we are wrong.  Later on when the white one was sheared, one of these kept ramming into it.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
Another camera shy animal.  This ram had wonderful horns and you could see how detailed each ridge was.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
We managed to snag this pic in a partial head turn.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
Just a few of the spinning wheels and looms on display.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
One of the local beekeepers, Keith Fletcher, brought in his local honey (we bought a large jar. delicious).  As well a slate from the hive.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
The sheep, post shearing.

(Photo by The Carol Jacobs Team)
Our last animal visit was with this colorful creature.  We were stunned by its colors and patterns.

Thank you to all the vendors who showed up and put forth wonderful products and told us great stories and memories and brought your experience for us to have new memories to enjoy.

Today's Tidbit:  Its great to go out into the community and meet people and see what they do.  You learn, you find items to buy, and you hear great stories.  From Panoply, to Big Spring Jam, even to neighborhood parties, we all deserve some fun in our lives every once in a while.

Huntsville Metro Area Homes

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