Easy answer...of course it matters. Depending on what colors you use and in what location, you could have an entirely different feel and sight than you started with, for better or worse.
Now we've seen interior decorators pump up the volume on using more bold colors in different rooms. More Red, More Blue, More Forest Green. Some of them don't go into detail of how or the whys, just that it goes with particular woods, or furniture looks. But we'll leave their whys and hows to the decorators themselves. Let's talk about color and location.

There's nothing wrong with bold sweeping colors. Want your Reds, Blues, Purples? That's great, but the deep colors can't stand alone. They need help. In some larger rooms, these colors may be able to pull it off. Remember though these dark colors can make a room smaller if there is not enough light to accompany them. When there is lots of light, these dark colors can glow beautifully. However, in unlit rooms, these dark walls can shrink a room even more so with lots of furniture. There are many times where you have a 10 X 10 bedroom that has been cut down to feeling 4 X 4 with a dark complexion, one window, and a small reading lamp. If this is a preference then that's great, enjoy what you feel works best for you. If you choose to use dark colors, let make them come to life and really grab family, friends, and guests and make them go WOW!
A Great Example of deep colors with great lighting making the colors pop out.
A Grand Example of those deep purples enhanced by more light.
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